Spring term starts 11 January
ReBels Talent Development Training
Mon 11 Jan
- Fri 26 Mar
£40 for Jan - July (no further charge for those who already signed up / paid in the Autumn term)
LOCKDOWN UPDATE: Tuesday 5 January 2020
Following the announcement of England moving into a Tier 5 lockdown all ReBels Talent Development Classes will move online via Zoom from the start of the Spring term and until the February half term.
Classes were moved online during the November lockdown period and we were very pleased with how they worked, and feel confident the same will happen this time.
Zoom links will be sent to all ReBels on the day of their classes. If you require any assistance with web access/signal strength, equipment or anything else relating to attending classes via zoom please contact James at rebels@barbicantheatre.co.uk and he will run through options and resources available.
Read more about our Zoom Sessions during Lockdown here
Opportunities for young people at Barbican Theatre…
Our ReBels Talent Development Training Sessions for ages 12 – 15 and 15 – 25 return from Monday 11 January 2021 and are back to being held at Barbican Theatre and The Loft. Check out what we have planned for our Spring term sessions below. You can choose as many sessions for your age group as you like and it will still only cost you £40 for sessions until July 2021 (unless you joined back in the Autumn term – in that case you’ve already paid so it’ll cost you nothing more for January to July!)
St Peter & Waterfront Bursary
Our local Councillor, Chris Penberthy and Plymouth City Council have given funding to offer free spaces in Barbican Theatres ReBel’s weekly classes, for 5 young people who live within the St Peter & Waterfront Ward (see map here) for an entire year! These spaces are available to young people for who involvement in these sort of activities or a programmes would otherwise not be possible due to financial barriers.
How to ask about our Bursary (opens in a new window)
Safety first
As with our Autumn term we take the safety and health of our participants and colleagues very seriously and will continue to take extra precautions including:
Smaller class sizes
More classes
Extra time between sessions for cleaning
Session spaces are ‘gridded’ so that participants have their own work space ‘bubble’
Masks must be worn from when you enter the building and can only be removed once the Practitioner says so
ReBels: what’s happening in Spring 2021 classes
Many of our Spring sessions will be used for creating performances for Barbican Theatre’s big production at the end of May. Others will be working on performances for other unique spaces in Plymouth such as Teats Hill Amphitheatre and The Box. Check them out by clicking below:
Classes run Mondays (5:30pm – 7pm & 7:30pm – 9pm) and Tuesdays (4:30pm – 6pm) at Barbican Theatre and The Loft on Sutton Harbour (due to new smaller group sizes) You can attend as many of the sessions for your age group as you like for your one off fee.
What’s Your Style? (Dance/Movement), Rhythm and Word (Spoken Word/Music), Junk Yard Music (Music/Performance), Online Stories (Theatre/Film/Digital), Comedy Assembles (Theatre/Comedy).
In the event of a further lockdown classes will move online via Zoom as they did during the second lockdown in November 2020.
Classes run Tuesdays (7pm – 8:30pm) and Wednesdays (6pm – 7:30pm & 8pm – 9:30pm) at Barbican Theatre and The Loft on Sutton Harbour (due to new smaller group sizes) You can attend as many of the sessions for your age group as you like for your one off fee
Creative Projection (TechDigital/Music), Dancing On Cars (Dance/Movement), Rhythm & Articulation (Dance/Movement), Acoustic Performance (Music/Theatre), Cityscape Creativity (Performance/Digital/Large Scale Creativity), Say It With Words (Theatre/Spoken Word), Urban Storytelling (Theatre/Writing)
In the event of a further lockdown classes will move online via Zoom as they did during the second lockdown in November 2020.
Digital ReBels Weekly Online Classes for ages 15-25:
Ideal for those who don’t yet want to return on live classes but who still want to create. Our weekly classes are held online via Zoom on Tuesdays from 7pm – 8pm. They cost £20 and will run until Easter 20201. Click here for more info
Rebels Masterclasses for ages 15+
Our free weekly masterclasses for ages 15+ that will give you a space to learn, ask questions and hear from industry experts about anything and everything to do with the cultural sector. We will run 5 every half term – on producing, freelancing, technical skills, digital and overviewing a specific industry. These are open to anyone and during the first half of the Spring term will continue to be held as online zoon webinars.
There will be more groups and therefore more classes. You can take part in more than one group if you want – it won’t cost you any more!
Who are ReBels?
ReBels means breaking rules, being curious, taking on new challenges and finding your unique voice. Imagine if we uncover an entire new dance style growing out of Plymouth (like KRUMP coming out of LA), or the next music genre (like Grime from London or Drum and Bass in Bristol). Imagine if your job hasn’t even been invented yet? Who’s the next Kae Tempest? What other ways can you tell stories? What stories should we be telling?
Often in the arts world you work alongside other artists, constantly learning new tricks. Sometimes you don’t even end up being a performer but go into film, technology or directing. ReBels will make sure you get the kind of training that gives you a taste of much more than dance and theatre.
Barbican Theatre want to support their ReBels building your voices and giving you a space to be seen and heard.
You can register your interest in joining ReBels for the Spring term here:
Rebels Training