As recent tragic news has shown, women in Plymouth continue to be the victims of violence. It’s a problem with, rightly, an increasingly high profile, but what is actually being done to stop it?
Meghan Field, VAWG (Violence against Woman and Girls) Strategic Lead, Plymouth City Council will be speaking to us about what positive steps the council is taking to protect women and girls from violence in the city.
This event is free and all are welcome, although we do ask for a voluntary contribution (in cash please) to help cover speakers’ costs.
Pre-booked tickets can be collected from the Box Office at The B-Bar from 1 hour before your performance starts, unless you have opted to have them posted (for an additional charge of £1 per order at time of booking) Tickets can also be bought for that day's performance from the box office from 1 hour before performances begin (subject to ticket availability) Not all events in the B-Bar have tickets that can be pre-booked. Please see The B-Bar website for full details of their events.